Our mission
Casita de Barro works with the people of Tecuanipan in order to create a community based on social justice. Together, we create ways of sustainable living. Moreover, we coordinate an afterschool program that involves the youngsters of Tecuanipan and offers them quality education. For us, it is very important that all of this is based on a relation of trust.
Our vision
We envision ourselves walking alongside local action groups, who are organized and consolidated and actively integrating agroecological practices that care for the land as a way of building dignified living.
Our values
We honor the traditional wisdom that has sustained our culture. We believe in the collective construction that promotes, among Tecuanipan’s people, our elders’ memories of good living. We don’t want to return to the past, but instead create a better future where people live off and with the earth.
We believe that sustainability is a collective exercise. Because today's environmental problems, created by humans, exceed any isolated group or any individual’s capacity. We believe in solidarity, not charity.
We believe that sustainability is a tool for social justice. Our project is based on a critical posture of modern ecology, which emphasizes the symptoms, ignoring present systemic changes. As we see it, sustainability should build, for example, autonomy for the people.
Our strategy
We trust our vision will become reality if we make a culture of social and solidary economy a viable alternative to build food sovereignty. Additionally, it will also trigger processes that will revalue identity and connection with the land, processes which are essential to preserve our natural and cultural heritage.